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You can also find answers to frequently asked questions about implant treatment in this article. You can contact us for all your questions.

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    Discover The Power of Your Smile!

    Our treatments include dental hygiene, jaw problems and treatment of sensitive teeth, determination of gums diseases, specialist dentistry (orthodontist, implantology, endodontia and periodontia), dental whitening, smile design, oral and dental aesthetic solutions like Hollywood Smile. For detailed information about each treatment, visit the treatment page.

    What are the factors that affect teeth implant prices?

    The implants prices in our country vary in many clinics. This leads to questions among patients who want to implant for treatment of dental loss. The main reason for this difference in prices is the implant’s brand. In recent years, many foreign implanted brands entered to the sector in our country and around the world. Firms have set various competitive strategies to increase market share in the market. The first thing to note in brand selection is the scientific work regarding the marketing efforts and the reliability of the vendor company in the industry. In addition, bone powder used in cases where the mandible is insufficient is also very important in determining the total cost of implant.

    Since when have external implants been applied and what are the benefits?

    Dental implants are applied for more than 50 years in the teeth loss treatments. There are many advantages to implants, which are often preferred today. These are:

    It does not damage adjacent teeth; it is applied as an alternative to prosthetics such as a dental bridge. This means that no further action is required to cause further problems, such as cutting and shrinking, in the teeth adjacent to the cavity.

    It’s aesthetic: implant is an aesthetic alternative for your own teeth.

    It prevents bone loss: bone loss, which begins in the missing tooth region after teeth extraction, is prevented with implant placement. In addition, the loss of lip support, which is particularly a sign of aging in the front area, is prevented.

    It is applied as an alternative to palate-shaped prosthetics: implant eliminates problems that appear in followed-up prosthetics with the Implant applications. It allows older patients to eat comfortably. If the jaw bone is not suitable for a fixed prosthetic, it prevents the prosthesis from moving as a support for the followed-up prosthetics.

    It’s reliable: today’s dental implants have extremely high bone bonding rate.

    Will I be able to eat like my own teeth after implant treatment?

    The dental implants bond pretty well into the mandible after complete recovery After the prosthetic phase is completed, patients can eat by biting and chewing like their own teeth.

    Who cannot have an implant treatment?

    Systemic diseases such as uncontrolled sugar, blood pressure and heart and gums such as periodontitis cannot be applied in the presence of. Implant can be applied after these diseases are controlled or treated.

    Implant application is not appropriate for individuals who have not completed their growth and development (under 18 years) or smoke excessively.

    What are the stages of implant surgery?

    First, an intra-oral and radiological examination is performed for dental implant to assess whether there is any health condition that prevents implants. If there is no systemic condition and the existing jaw bone is suitable, the external implant, either in the form of a root or a cylinder, is placed where the missing tooth is located after the necessary preparations. The stitches are removed after 1 week and depending on the condition the bone, the implant is expected to bond with the jawbone.

    In the second stage, a cap is attached to the screw part in the jawbone and it is made visible in the mouth. It takes 2 weeks for your gums to heal. (In some cases, the measurement phase can also be followed without the second stage.)

    Lastly, the implant treatment is completed with the measurement phase.

    Which will cause the waiting time for implant treatment extend?

    When there are not enough jaw bones to place an implant, bone dust is applied during or before implant surgery to support the existing bone. In such a situation, the waiting time may be up to 4-6 months.

    How long does implant surgery take?

    The surgical practice depends on the number of implants and the additional procedures. On average, it lasts between 10 minutes and 1 hour.

    Will I feel pain during the implant?

    Local anaesthesia is applied to tooth loss area and patients do not feel any pain during the procedure.

    Will I feel any pain after the implant?

    A mild pain and swelling is normal after the medication injection wears off. After the medication and ice treatment prescribed by the dentist, these complaints are reduced and disappear over time.

    What should I be paying attention to at home after I implant?

    Hot drinks , hard hood any other thins that can cause mechanical damage to the wound area should be avoided just like routine jaw surgery. Cold compresses are applied to the operation area. The wound area and adjacent teeth must be gently brushed with a soft-tip brush until the seams are removed.

    Can I continue to my normal life after surgery?

    Our patients can return to the daily life immediately after surgery. In some cases, a 1-day rest can be recommended.

    Would dental implants harm my body?

    Implants are made from titanium material that is compatible with the human body and this material does not have any toxic effects. Except very rare titanium allergy, zirconium implants are safely used.

    How should the implants be maintained?

    Although implants are titanium and have no tooth decay risk, it is important to maintain them. As with natural teeth, it must be carefully brushed 2 times a day and use a floss or an interface brush. In cases where oral hygiene is neglected, bone dissolves around the implant and inflammation in soft tissue may appear. In such a case, you should immediately contact your dentist. Otherwise, this may result in implant loss.

    Is it possible to get an implant at the same time as a tooth extraction?

    It is possible to perform this operation in a single session if tooth extraction and implant are planned when there is tooth decay or broken teeth. Since extraction recovery is not necessary, the patient will have shorter time without teeth. The operation is complete with a single needle injection. This treatment can be applied

    when the tooth is extracted with minimal trauma,

    when there is enough bone to ensure the stability of the implant,

    when the extracted teeth do not have acute inflammation.

    Is it possible to apply an implant without sutures?

    Implant without suture are possible with patient-specific surgical guide plates. The locations of the implants are determined on the measurement taken from the patient and are digitally planned on tomographic cross-section. This planning is then transferred to the template based on the characteristics of the guided surgical system to be implemented, and implant surgery is completed.

    The application of an implant without sutures requires sufficient length and width of bone. At the same time, the patient must have sufficient amount of mouth opening in which the surgical record can be easily inserted and the implant system to be applied must support guided surgery.

    Research has found that the possibility of post-op pain, swelling and bleeding has been significantly reduced by implant with tiny cuts without removing tissue. It also significantly reduces the patient’s need for painkillers during the post-op period. It also reduces the risk of infection due to the failure to fully open the tissue and shortening the duration of the surgery.  Due to these benefits, the system is a preferred since the bleeding and infection risk are minimized (with prosthetic heart cap and blood-watering medication).

    What are Guided surgical applications?

    Dental implants have become a very common treatment method for treating tooth loss due to developing surface properties and  good bone bonding. But this has brought together a number of problems. Improper implant placement is one of these problems. Incorrect implant placement might cause aesthetic problems, broken screw and tissue inflammation around the implant. More importantly, irreversible nerve injuries may occur due to incorrect placement.

    Various auxiliary surgical guidance systems have been developed to overcome these results and position the implants in the desired position. We can divide these systems into 2 as static and dynamic guidance systems.

    Static surgical guidance systems are stereolithography technology, which is produced by the fast prototyping method, which is supported by CAD/CAM, which is used by many companies today. This method takes a 3-D tomography from the patient and performs a virtual implant planning on tomographic slices in areas with missing teeth. Given the data obtained, the surgical template to be applied to the patient’s mouth during surgery is generated.

    This method can be applied to patients without any teeth, and is often applied especially in tooth deficiencies in the front area where aesthetics are very important.

    Dynamic surgical guides are also called navigation systems because the highway looks like the GPRS system. During his surgery, the position of the implant can be monitored simultaneously on tomographic cross-section

    Both systems significantly improve the success and comfort of the treatment being delivered. It also offers the option of installing a temporary prosthesis on the day of surgery with a pre-prepared template. However, guided surgical practices may not be applied in all cases. In addition, the planning and production phase requires additional time and cost.

    Dental implants have become a very common treatment method for treating tooth loss due to developing surface properties and  good bone bonding. But this has brought together a number of problems. Improper implant placement is one of these problems. Incorrect implant placement might cause aesthetic problems, broken screw and tissue inflammation around the implant. More importantly, irreversible nerve injuries may occur due to incorrect placement.

    Various auxiliary surgical guidance systems have been developed to overcome these results and position the implants in the desired position. We can divide these systems into 2 as static and dynamic guidance systems.

    Static surgical guidance systems are stereolithography technology, which is produced by the fast prototyping method, which is supported by CAD/CAM, which is used by many companies today. This method takes a 3-D tomography from the patient and performs a virtual implant planning on tomographic slices in areas with missing teeth. Given the data obtained, the surgical template to be applied to the patient’s mouth during surgery is generated.

    This method can be applied to patients without any teeth, and is often applied especially in tooth deficiencies in the front area where aesthetics are very important.

    Dynamic surgical guides are also called navigation systems because the highway looks like the GPRS system. During his surgery, the position of the implant can be monitored simultaneously on tomographic cross-section

    Both systems significantly improve the success and comfort of the treatment being delivered. It also offers the option of installing a temporary prosthesis on the day of surgery with a pre-prepared template. However, guided surgical practices may not be applied in all cases. In addition, the planning and production phase requires additional time and cost.

    What is the role of the dentist and the brand when you have an implant?

    Dental implants are used around the world for about 50 years and in our country for more than 25 years. Their popularity increased since many companies entered this sector in recent years. Unfortunately, this treatment method became a commercial sector.  There are nearly 200 companies in our country that sell dental implants. It is not possible for a dentist to try and test all these brands. Implantology experts choose from firms with successful  clinical and laboratory testing in the industry for many years. Before we try a product that is advertised with serious advertising budgets, we investigate and decide whether there is a literature study that supports that product.

    While many firms have proven their success in dental implants, one of the key criteria for choosing implants to be applied is the reliability of an implant produced abroad in our country’s dealer. It is important to work with companies that are on the market for many years and are able to provide material support when the implant needs replacement in the future.

    Another thing to be careful about implants is the dentist selection. Many companies are marketing by giving daily courses to dentist to sell implants. Applications insufficient theoretical and practical knowledge might cause many problems. It is important to ensure that the dentist knows the stages of the treatment and is in control of the system it is performing. In addition, the experience and knowledge of the solution to problems that may occur during and after the process must be sufficient.

    When is bone powder (bone graft) applied in implant treatment?

    Synthetic, animal or human origin bone powder is produced as particles or blocks after various biological and mechanical processes. Operations using bone dust:

    Sinus membrane removal (Sinus lift) operation; One of the air gaps in various parts of the skull is the maxillary sinus, which is closely adjacent to the upper jaw. If no treatment is performed for a long time in the absence of upper molars, these air gap will hang down and dissolve the existing bone. To obtain enough bone to implant, the sinus membrane is lifted up and bone dust is placed.

    When the implant is placed on the same day as the tooth extraction: Bone powder applications are made to support the area between the implant and the extraction space.

    Infection-related teeth loss: the current infection is applied to support the bone around the implant in cases where bone molten occurs.

    How do I know the brand of dental implant?

    You cannot understand the implant brand unless your dentist has informed you during the treatment. Unfortunately, there are many patients who are unable to reach their dentist again after the implant treatment or who have applied to other clinics due to a city change. As the frequency of the application increases, this problem is growing. It is very important that the dentist and clinic are reliable to avoid problems. The implant screw is hard to remove and can hardly be replaced after bonding with the bone. Therefore, it very important to learn the brand and obtain the document containing the information of the implant from your dentist at the end of the treatment. We are obligated to carefully archive patient information records to avoid any difficulties that may occur in this situation.

    What are the early problems with implant treatment?

    Post-implant surgery can cause temporary problems such as face swelling, redness, and bruising. The proper application of prescribed drugs and time will solve these problems.  One of the most important problems that occurs in the early post-op period is infection. This can be caused by dentist or patients, and in some cases it is difficult to determine the cause. Systemic diseases that may damage wound healing can be the cause of infection, such as the patient’s smoking, poot oral care, or eating very hard food and damaging the stitches. This is not noticeable early and can result in premature implant loss if treatment is not performed. Implant loss can also occur when the jaw bone is too weak or when the temporary prosthetic is used incorrectly. In this case, a new dental implant is placed in the same session or after.

    The most important problem after implant surgery is permanent tissue damage caused by damage to important anatomical structures. The dentist must be informed when there is continuous numbness on the lips and the implant should be removed to start the medication treatment as soon as possible.

    What are the late-term problems with implant treatment?

    After the implant treatment, there may also be problems due to various factors. In the prosthetic phase, the load distribution on the implant is not properly distributed, the use of a narrow dental implant in the rear area and at night in the case of external tightening;

    Fractures on the implant neck,

    Broken or loose stopper screw on the implant,

    The porcelain in the upper structure may show fractures and cracks.

    In addition, inflammation (periimplantitis) may appear in the tissue around the implant, depending on various factors.

    Can you make teeth on the same day after implant placement?

    Completing the prosthetic process on the same day as the implant operation is called the immediate loading. It is especially applied to total edentulism and single tooth loss in the front. This allows the patient to use a fixed prosthetic instead of a temporary prosthetic followed in the time required for the implant to bond. It also helps to better shape the gums in the front area and gives psychologic well-being.

    The quality of the jaw bone is extremely important for immediate loading. It is not recommended for softer upper jaw in the back. For early loading, the implant should fit firmly into the jaw bone (primary stability). After a temporary tooth is put, it is important to avoid hard food until the recovery is complete.

    How many dental implants should be applied for multiple tooth losses?

    It is necessary to examine the patient clinically and radiologically to determine the number of implants. The length and width of the patient’s jaw, the lower or upper jaw, the width of the smile line, and some important anatomical structures are important factors in determining the number of implants.

    A healthy mouth has a total of 28 teeth, 14 teeth in the lower jaw and 14 in the upper jaw, except for wisdom teeth. In total edentulism, 26-28 teeth can be created with 8-10 implant to upper jaw and 6-8 implant to lower jaw. Since the upper jaw bone is more spongy than the lower jaw, the number of implants placed is usually higher than the lower jaw.

    Because of differences in bone connection, it is not a treatment option we prefer unless we have to connect the natural tooth and implant together. Implants are connected with implants and natural teeth are connected with natural teeth. In case of 3 adjacent tooth losses, 2 implant bridge is applied and a total of 3 teeth are implanted.

    In some cases, where the jaw bone is not sufficiently thick and long, 4 implants are placed in the front zone, completing the missing teeth with the treatment we call ‘all-on-four’, or supporting the full prosthesis (palate) that is present or to be performed with 2 implants.

    When is bone powder (Bone graft) applied in implant treatment?

    Synthetic, animal or human origin bone powder is produced as particles or blocks after various biological and mechanical processes. Operations that use bone powder:

    Sinus membrane removal (Sinus lift) operation; One of the air gaps in various parts of the skull is the maxillary sinus, which is closely adjacent to the upper jaw. If no treatment is performed for a long time in the absence of upper molars, these air gap will hang down and dissolve the existing bone. To obtain enough bone to implant, the sinus membrane is lifted up and bone dust is placed.

    When the implant is placed on the same day as the tooth extraction: Bone powder applications are made to support the area between the implant and the extraction space.

    Infection-related teeth loss: the current infection is applied to support the bone around the implant in cases where bone molten occurs.

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    Discover The Power of Your Smile!

    Our treatments include dental hygiene, jaw problems and treatment of sensitive teeth, determination of gums diseases, specialist dentistry (orthodontist, implantology, endodontia and periodontia), dental whitening, smile design, oral and dental aesthetic solutions like Hollywood Smile. For detailed information about each treatment, visit the treatment page.

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