Porcelain Laminates
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Porselen Lamina Fiyatları Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus

In order to get information about our Porcelain Laminate Veneer Treatment prices, you can either visit our clinic or have a free online examination.

After the examination, the price information specific to your treatment will be shared. You must contact us by filling in the form below or call our polyclinic for an appointment or a free online examination.

You can also find answers to the frequently asked questions about Porcelain Laminate Veneer Treatment in this article. You can always contact us for all your questions.

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    Table of Contents (Frequently Asked Questions) show

    Discover The Power of Your Smile!
    Discover The Power of Your Smile!

    Our treatments include dental hygiene, jaw problems and treatment of sensitive teeth, determination of gums diseases, specialist dentistry (orthodontist, implantology, endodontia and periodontia), dental whitening, smile design, oral and dental aesthetic solutions like Hollywood Smile. For detailed information about each treatment, visit the treatment page.

    What is a Porcelain Veneer Treatment (Leaf Porcelain)?

    Porcelain veneer is a treatment method that provides an aesthetic image of the teeth and a more beautiful smile design. Only the front surfaces of the teeth are thinned for about 0.3–0.5 mm.

    In particular, it is a type of treatment that has been widely used for aesthetic purposes in recent years. If you complain about the shape, color and the size of your teeth and you don’t have any other dental problems, porcelain laminates may be a good way to make your smile better.

    In order for the porcelain laminates to remain healthy and aesthetic in the mouth for a long time, they should be applied carefully by expert dentists according to the appropriate procedures and they should be checked routinely without any delay.

    In which cases are porcelain laminates applied?

    • For smile redesign,
    • When there are decayed teeth or old restorations that have lost their form or ideal color,
    • When there are gaps between teeth (diastema),
    • While fixing discolored teeth that underwent root canal treatment, and cases of discoloration such as tetracycline/fluorosis,
    • In case of tooth enamel problems such as enamel hypoplasia,
    • And to correct minimal teeth crowding for patients who do not accept orthodontic treatment.

    In which cases porcelain laminates can't be applied?

    Porcelain laminates cannot be applied;

    • When there are excessively crooked teeth or tete a tete occlusion,
    • When the teeth lengths are insufficient,
    • When there is high damage due to tooth decay,
    • When there are jaw occlusion defects (class III malocclusion),
    • And to young patients who don’t have all their permanent teeth grown.

    I Have Bruxism (Teeth Grinding), Can I Get a Porcelain Laminate?

    Porcelain laminates are not suitable for severe bruxism and for teeth with severe dental erosion. In such cases, alternative aesthetic treatments such as full ceramic or zirconium crowning can be considered. We can administer laminate treatment in the case of bruxism if it did not previously cause any dental erosion. However, along with joint examination, these patients are recommended to use night plate or have Botox operations on the masseter muscle after porcelain laminate treatments.

    Can Porcelain Laminate Be Applied to Missing Teeth?

    No. In such cases, full ceramic or zirconium bridges are applied in the front area. Even in the case of implant treatment, aesthetic crowning options are applied over the implants.

    Do porcelain laminates damage the teeth?

    This treatment has minimal interference with the teeth, when compared with the other aesthetic dental treatment options available today. Only 0.3–0.7 mm of the tooth surface is abraded, which is often too small to be noticed. Therefore, given the result and the interference with the teeth, there is barely any damage to the teeth.

    What are the advantages of porcelain laminas?

    – Minimum teeth abrasion,

    – Produces highly aesthetic results due to high light transmittance,

    – No discoloration,

    – Provides a natural, aesthetic look,

    – Can be applied in a short time.

    How long does porcelain laminate treatment take?

    If you don’t have any serious problems with your teeth and gums, the processes are completed on average in 2-3 sessions and 7-10 days.

    How Is the Porcelain Laminate Treatment Process?

    If necessary, some teeth are filled, and small corrections are made on the teeth that previously underwent root canal treatment.

    – Teeth are measured before the process of abrasion and a preliminary examination is conducted on the obtained model regarding the final look of the laminates.

    – Only 0.3–0.7 mm of the teeth is abraded, and the teeth are measured.

    – Temporary laminates are prepared in the mouth.

    – Final checks are made considering patient expectations.

    – It is permanently bonded to the teeth surface after its adaptation to the other tissues in the mouth.

    Can patients with gum problems get porcelain laminas?

    It is not possible to apply laminates on diseased gums or decayed teeth. First, the goal is to restore tissues. We wait for the gums to heal after we administer the suitable treatment for our patients with gum diseases. This period can take between 1-4 weeks depending on how damaged the tissues are.

    If there is no symmetry between the gums, it’s good to equalize the gum levels with the operation we call ‘gingivectomy’, and if possible, to wait for 1 or 2 weeks and later continue with the procedures.

    Do porcelain laminates fall off?

    With the evolving technology, there have been major improvements in the adhesive systems for porcelain laminates. Therefore, no such problem is observed for laminates that are carried out according to the rules of these systems.

    How to Maintain Porcelain Laminated Teeth?

    You can maintain your porcelain laminated teeth in the same way as your natural teeth. Along with effective toothbrushing; flossing and gargling are essential parts of dental care. Besides, it is important to visit the dentist every 6 months.

    Are porcelain laminates durable?

    Laminates are made of extremely robust and durable materials, but nail biting, pen biting, accidents, receiving a blow and teeth clenching might cause the porcelain laminates to get cracked or broken, just like the natural teeth. Those problems can be resolved through minor corrections or the damaged laminates can be replaced.

    Do the Porcelain Laminates Get Discolored?

    Porcelain laminates do not get discolored by factors such as tea, coffee or cigarettes.

    What Are the Things That I Should Consider After Receiving the Porcelain Laminate Veneer Treatment?

    The laminates can be maintained for years without problems by means of proper oral care and routine check-ups. It is important to avoid biting hard objects or crusty food.

    In the presence of a problem such as bruxism, it is essential to visit a dentist. A sensitivity to heat and cold might be observed immediately after treatment, but this will end in 1-2 weeks.

    With Dentlotus’ Treatments
    Discover The Power of Your Smile!

    Our treatments include dental hygiene, jaw problems and treatment of sensitive teeth, determination of gums diseases, specialist dentistry (orthodontist, implantology, endodontia and periodontia), dental whitening, smile design, oral and dental aesthetic solutions like Hollywood Smile. For detailed information about each treatment, visit the treatment page.

    İmplant Fiyatları Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus


    With implant therapy, you can replace your missing teeth with aesthetic teeth that feel completely natural. Click to learn more about our treatment.

    Zirkonyum Kaplama Fiyatları Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus


    Dentlotus Zirconium treatment will give your teeth a whiter and more aesthetic look. Click to learn more about zirconium.

    Porselen Lamina Fiyatları Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus

    Porcelain Veneer

    The porcelain veneer is a treatment method that creates an aesthetic image on the teeth to provide a better smile. Click to learn more about veneer treatment.

    Diş Beyazlatma Fiyatları Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus

    Dental Bleaching

    With Dentlotus dental bleaching treatment, it’s easy to have a glowing and attractive smile. Click to learn more about our dental bleaching treatment.

    Hollywood Smile Gülüş Tasarımı Şişli Nişantaşı

    Smile Design (Hollywood Smile)

    With its smile design, you can have a great smile that gives a natural look to fit aesthetic criteria. Click to learn about our treatment.

    Ortodonti Fiyatları Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus


    Orthodontia is a dentistry specialty that diagnoses and prevents incompatible dental and jaw relations before they occur. Click to learn more about our treatment.

    Estetik Dolgu Fiyatları Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus

    Aesthetic Filling (Bonding)

    The Bonding treatment is applied by bonding cosmetic filler (composite fill) materials without causing damage to the tooth. Click to learn more about our treatment.

    Kanal Tedavisi Endodonti Fiyatı WebP

    Root Canal Treatment

    Root canal treatment is the process of cleaning and filling the infected nerves in the anal area as a result of the loss of vitality of the tooth. Click to get detailed information about it.

    Diş Eti Hastalıkları Tedavisi

    Periodontia Treatment

    Periodontia treatment can help preventing gingival recession, bleeding and inflammation. Click to learn more about our treatment.

    20 Yaş Dişi

    Wisdom Teeth

    Wisdom teeth examination at Dentlotus can tell you if you need any teeth extraction treatment. Click to learn more about our treatment.

    Diş Sıkma Fiyatları Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus

    Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

    With Dentlotus bruxism treatment, you can prevent serious damage to your mouth and teeth. Click to learn more about our treatment.

    Çocuk Diş Doktoru Şişli Nişantaşı Dentlotus


    The habits gained during childhood are very effective in the protection of oral and dental health. Click to learn more about our treatment.

    Porcelain Laminates Prices
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    0542 464 09 65

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