Root Canal Treatment Prices
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After the examination, the price information specific to your treatment will be shared. You must contact us by completing the form below or call our clinic to have an appointment or free online examination.

You can also find answers to frequently asked questions about root canal treatment in this article. You can contact us for all your questions

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    Discover The Power of Your Smile!

    Our treatments include dental hygiene, jaw problems and treatment of sensitive teeth, determination of gums diseases, specialist dentistry (orthodontist, implantology, endodontia and periodontia), dental whitening, smile design, oral and dental aesthetic solutions like Hollywood Smile. For detailed information about each treatment, visit the treatment page.

    What is Root Canal Treatment?

    Root canal treatment is known as endodontic treatment. Root canal treatment, progression of dental caries, fractures or cracks in the teeth, loss of effectiveness of unsuitable restorations made before, as a result of the loss of vitality of the nerves and blood vessels in the inner structure of the tooth, such as the nerves and blood vessels, cleaning the infected nerves in the canals of the tooth and tissue compatible is the process of filling with materials.

    If the inflamed or damaged pulp is not removed, it will cause infection in the tooth and surrounding tissues, cause pain and swelling, and if not intervened, the tooth will be lost.

    When Is Root Canal Treatment Necessary?

    In the treatment of deep caries that progresses to the nerve of the tooth

    In the treatment of fractures that involve the nerve of the tooth in case of trauma (impact, etc.)

    In case of tooth sensitivity caused by advanced gingival recession

    In case of tooth sensitivity caused by advanced wear

    In cases where the nerves of the tooth are exposed in the treatment of crown restorations

    However, conditions that require root canal treatment may not always give symptoms in the form of pain. In such a case, the decay formed in the tooth may not be noticed, or the inflammation around the root of the tooth may grow. Therefore, it is very important to follow up healthy teeth and tissues with routine examinations made by taking radiography.

    Why is Root Canal Treatment Applied?

    In cases where the nerve tissue or pulp of a tooth is damaged beyond recovery due to bruises, trauma, cracks or fractures or loses its vitality, this tissue should be cleaned from that area. Otherwise, the rotten remains can cause infection or tooth abscess.

    As the infection progresses to the end of the root tips of the tooth, an abscess occurs in the bone surrounding the root. This abscess causes the person to have pain when chewing or spontaneously. In addition to causing severe pain, the abscess causes swelling that can spread around the tissues and, if left untreated, causes bone loss around the root of the tooth and tooth extraction.

    Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

    During the root canal treatment, the patient does not feel any pain since the area is anesthetized.

    How make is root treatment ?

    According to the results of the oral examination and x-ray, it is determined whether the root canal treatment will be performed or not.

    First of all, anesthesia is given so that you do not feel any pain during the procedure.

    The decayed tooth is cleaned up to the structure where the nerves are located.

    The nerve tissue, which we call pulp, is removed.

    In root canals, it is advanced with special canal instruments until the root tip. If necessary, it is checked whether we have reached the root tip with a new x-ray. The channel structure is expanded with special rotary tool systems,

    The channels are washed with cleaning solutions that we call irrigant.

    Depending on the condition of the tooth and the infection, it is decided whether it will end in a single session.

    In root canal treatments completed in a single session, the canal is filled with canal filling materials up to the root tip.

    In root canal treatments that cannot be completed in a single session, drugs are sent into the canal to restore the health of the tissues and the symptoms are expected to pass.

    The superstructure restoration process of the tooth whose root canal treatment has been completed or which has been dressed with medication is started.

    How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

    Root canal treatment may take one or more sessions depending on the infection in the tooth. In transactions that last a single session, the transaction can usually be completed in around one hour. In cases such as crooked canal, narrow canal or repeat canal treatment, the duration of the session may be extended. In root canal treatment procedures that do not end in one go, medication is placed in the canal and covered with a temporary filling. The interval between the sessions is usually one week, and the number of sessions is determined by the size of the infection and the recovery status.

    Will There Be Pain After Root Canal Treatment?

    It is not an expected situation to feel pain after a certain period of time after the root canal treatment is done. In such a case, you should consult your doctor again.

    However, spontaneous pain that can be seen in the wound healing area for a short time or pain may be felt when pressing on the tooth. Spending this period with the anti-inflammatory drug recommended by your doctor will relax you.

    What should be considered after root canal treatment?

    After the root canal treatment, there may be pain and sensitivity in the related tooth for a short time. It is recommended not to chew with that area during this period.

    During root canal treatments that do not end in a single session, a temporary filling is placed on the tooth between sessions. It is necessary not to eat hard foods with this filling. Otherwise, tooth fractures may occur.

    Care should be taken that the temporary filling does not fall between sessions.

    In the long-term teeth that have undergone root canal treatment, the teeth become more fragile as they lose their vitality. If the size of the filling made after root canal treatment is large, the probability of breaking the tooth increases. For this reason, hard things such as shelled food should not be chewed. In such cases, we recommend covering the tooth after root canal treatment.

    How Long Does a Root Canal Treated Tooth Live?

    It should not be forgotten that root canal treated teeth can also rot. For this reason, it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene and not to interrupt regular controls.

    Since it is not possible to feed the root canal treated teeth through the veins after the treatment, the fragility of the teeth will increase. Tooth breakage should be avoided by avoiding hard foods.

    As long as these conditions are taken care of, the life of the root canal treated tooth in the mouth can even be for a lifetime.

    How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

    Root canal treatment may take a single session or several sessions depending on the infection status of the tooth. Session breaks are usually one week.

    Do Inflamed Teeth Have to Be Extracted?

    Today, thanks to the developments in the field of endodontics and developing technology, the majority of inflamed teeth can continue to remain in the mouth thanks to root canal treatment. In some cases, surgical interventions to the root of the tooth, which we call apical resection or cyst operation, can be performed in addition to root canal treatment.

    Is Antibiotic Use Necessary in the Presence of Inflammation (Abscess)?

    Antibiotic use is highly unlikely before or during root canal treatment. However, it may be necessary to use antibiotics depending on the size of the infection or the sensitivity of the tooth.

    Can't I Treat Tooth Inflammation With Antibiotics?

    Infections that occur at the root tip cannot be treated with antibiotics. There is no way to save the tooth from infection without root canal treatment. In severely infected teeth, antibiotic use may be required along with root canal treatment.

    Does Root Canal Treatment Kill the Tooth?

    The root canal treated tooth does not react to any hot or cold stimulus. However, the tooth continues to hold on to the bone and fulfill its chewing function.

    What is a repeat of root canal treatment?

    Today, 80-90% of root canal treatments performed by following protocols are successful. However, in the presence of non-compliance with sterilization conditions, failure to progress to the root tip, instrument fracture, clogged channels, extra channels that cannot be found, or an upper filling that may cause microleakage, root canal treatment may lose its effectiveness for a while and the tooth may begin to give symptoms again. Root canal treatment should be removed and re-done in teeth that have undergone root canal treatment, which gives symptoms in the form of pain or swelling. In some cases, root tip surgery, called apical resection, is added to this procedure. In cases where both of these procedures fail, tooth extraction should be considered.

    What Happens If Root Canal Treatment Is Postponed?

    Patients generally think that root canal treatment is necessary in the presence of pain. However, some patients have very high pain thresholds or the tooth has already lost its vitality and does not feel the pain that may occur from caries. In such cases, advanced infection may occur in a tooth that can be treated with a simpler procedure such as root canal treatment, and multi-session root canal treatments may be required. Tooth fractures may occur due to progressive decay. Possible tooth extraction

    What are the Successful Factors Affecting the Root Canal Treatment Procedure?

    The chance of success is very high when root canal treatment is performed by experienced physicians in clinics with the necessary technological equipment. In our clinic, root canal treatment is applied with high success rate with systems such as apex locater, ultrasonic washing, phosphor plate, rotary instruments.

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    Discover The Power of Your Smile!

    Our treatments include dental hygiene, jaw problems and treatment of sensitive teeth, determination of gums diseases, specialist dentistry (orthodontist, implantology, endodontia and periodontia), dental whitening, smile design, oral and dental aesthetic solutions like Hollywood Smile. For detailed information about each treatment, visit the treatment page.

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